Industry-Wide Data to Drive Your People Analytics

Know your way to navigate people decisions with Data Products built by the Tapir community for your business.

Our Ecosystem:

Business Challenges are People Challenges

Talent is the most scarce resource that enterprises require to thrive. In the accelerating age of technological innovation organizations cannot afford to only rely on best practices and experience in HR. Data-driven people decisions are the only way to keep pace in this new world. However, a single organization’s data is not sufficient for most use cases. Cross-organisational people data collaboration enables even the most advanced AI use cases.


Co-Create Advanced People AI

Across nine domains Tapir fosters communities that collaborate directly on generating high quality insights through data products. These range from simple benchmarks to sophisticated AI.


Boost Your Insights Without Data Alienation

When data from a single enterprise is scarce, Tapir leverages collaboration to power data-driven people decisions. Unlike traditional solutions that centralize and alienate data, Tapir unbundles the data value chain through secure data collaboration. With Tapir, your data never leaves your premises, and you retain full control at all times.

Community-Driven Insights

As a Tapir-member you can choose to join existing Data Products or engage in the co-creation of new Data Products.

How it works - Part 2

Contact Paul for Details

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The Bigtech AI Threat to HR


Are your people training someone else’s AI? While you’re only getting access to cloud services, tech giants are building billion-dollar AI models with your organization’s collective intelligence.  (more…)

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